Signing Over Your Power: Understanding Powers Of Attorney

There may be times in our lives when we are unable to conduct our affairs and we may need someone else to make important financial, health and other decisions on our behalf. This can occur as a result of physical or mental illness or being out of the country for extended periods.

A Powers Of Attorney is a legally binding document that allows you to transfer specific power and authority to a trusted person so that they can oversee your cases. In legal terms, you are referred to as ‘chief’ and the person you nominate as your representative is referred to as your ‘agent’. ‘

Regardless of the type of Powers Of Attorney you use, it is important to think carefully about who your agent will be. This person will have a lot of control over your finances, so it is important that you trust them completely.

There are three main types of Powers Of Attorney: a general power of attorney, an enduring power of attorney (financial and / or personal) and a permanent power of attorney (medical).

A General Powers Of Attorney

This document is comprehensive and gives your agent all the powers and rights that you hold for yourself. For example, a general power of attorney can give your agent the power to sign documents for you, pay your bills, and conduct financial transactions on your behalf. A general power of attorney ends at your death or when you are unable to make a decision unless you revoke it first.

Enduring Powers Of Attorney

Enduring power of attorney for financial or personal issues allows your agent to decide on your behalf even after your mental capacity fails. Older people often hold such power that they develop dementia or some other condition in the future, causing them to be unable to manage their own affairs. If you decide to sign this power to your agent, it is important that you fully understand what is involved and what the implications are.

Enduring Powers Of Attorney (Medical)

This is where you appoint your agent to make medical treatment decisions, such as agreeing to medication or surgery. Being patient means this (when you have reached that point) when you are unable to make this type of decision for yourself.

How Do I Create A Legally Binding Powers Of Attorney?

Once you decide to give the Powers Of Attorney to someone else, you will need to prepare and witness the appropriate legal form. There are many templates available online which you can download and just fill the related details. However, if your circumstances and needs are relatively complex, it may be worth talking to your lawyer and asking them to draft a document specifically for you.

Can I Revoke The Powers Of Attorney? How?

You are within your rights to revoke the powers of your agent at any time, for any reason, provided you have the ability to do so. A revocation of a Powers Of Attorney is a legal document used to revoke an existing power. Templates are easily available online or you can ask your lawyer to draw one up. You will need to sign this document in the presence of two adult witnesses and in the case of the Enduring Power of Attorney (Medical), one of the witnesses must be a doctor. Once your agent receives this document from you, their powers effectively end.

Busting 5 Common Objections to Making a Wills

Making A Wills can often seem like a daunting and unnecessary task. With much resentment in the community regarding the introduction of COVID-19, you may be thinking that Making A Wills is no longer an important task. However, the unfortunate reality is that will death is an unavoidable act regardless of the circumstances. In this article, we explore five of the most common objections to Making A Wills and why these objections may not always be in reality.

1. I have stated my will to my family and I know that they will do the right thing.

Sometimes knowing the wills of a loved one, who has recently passed away, can mean a variety of different things to different family members. In addition, verbal instructions are an inadequate way of dealing with your property. Verbal instructions are not always binding and can result in delays and expenses for the administration of your cases. The death of a family member is already an emotionally arduous time. Through ensuring that you leave behind a clearly kept and legitimately executed Wills, one concern your family will get out of their hands.

2. I am a young man – the need to make a will is far from me.

Unfortunately, death is no respect for age! Even with the simplest of estates in a young person’s case, Will’s creation, Powers Of Attorney and advance care directive help ease the burden on those survivors, and the need to apply to the court for clarity can stop.

Making A Wills

3. My cases are very complicated right now.

The issue with this objection is not that your cases are too complex, but also a solution seems difficult. Nevertheless, all that is required is an experienced legal professional who can talk through your cases and find a suitable procedure to deal with your cases.

4. What’s the matter? Wills are successfully challenged.

This is a common misconception. Wills and Estates attorneys are highly qualified in assessing the risk of a successful challenge and can suggest ways to diminish the value of assets that are vulnerable to a challenge. Will Challenge-sensitive assets are assets that are subject to your name. Your lawyer can advise you on mechanisms to mitigate this risk, for example through transfer to a trust, jointly changing the ownership of bank accounts and property ownership to ensure that your assets your desired way is dealt with.

5. I already have a Will from a few years ago.

It is important that all Wills be reviewed regularly. Circumstances will inevitably change in life, such as the birth of a child, the beginning or break up of a relationship, or the property being bought or sold. It is generally suggested that Wills should be reviewed at least every three (3) years to ensure that they reflect your current circumstances. Old wills may be obsolete and result in your property not being in accordance with your wishes or challenged by disgruntled and self-interested beneficiaries.

Further information

It is important to Making A Wills to ensure that your property is dealt with in your desired way. If you would like more information about how we can help you create or update your will, do not hesitate to contact us on 08 8278 8566 or at

The Importance of Creating Wills Early

Legally binding Wills can protect your assets and protect your family from heavy heartache and long-term economic impact that you had not even thought of. The most important thing is that Wills ensures that your wishes are fulfilled and you have the property distributed as you see fit. This will provide you peace of mind which is a huge time of mourning for your loved ones.

It is a universal fact that most of us do not like to think of his imminent death. We believe that this is one of the main contributing factors as at least 45% of the Australian population do not have legitimate willpower. Not only it can happen, but additional factors and emotions that can prevent people from doing what they want:

  • Where do I start? The process is very difficult and heavy.
  • Do I need to see a lawyer? How much does this cost me?
  • I don’t have time for this week; I will get it next week.
  • I do not have money now.
  • I do not need a will, my property is very small.
  • I am not going to die in any way soon; I put it on the back burner for now.

The Facts

It is a shocking fact that state trustees can charge 5.5% (in some cases more or less) of the gross value of your estate’s assets. Meaning, your property is distributed according to the rules of the respective state or territory, not your choice.

This is the best way to ensure that people, charities, organizations or clubs care most about the benefits of your estate.

If you die in the interstate, which is dying without a Wills, your family must manage this process with the appropriate state trustee at a cost.


To Avoid Family Disputes

By not having a valid Wills, you leave your family open to fight on your estate. Everyone will have a horrifying and confusing family story, or at least one may have heard of it. These disputes can result in a break-up or split your family. A specific division of assets will ensure that influential members of the family do not win over meek and weak members.

Appoint an Executor

Please note that Estate Executor of Estate ‘must be someone who expects you to beat you, trusts you, has a sound body and mind, is aged 18+ and is advised by you Is and is accepted that you will have an executor.


Typically, this clause is used when children under 18 lose both their mother and father. The provision is endorsed for the guardian for a parent or examiner who wishes to make provision for children who do not have a parent alive. For something more complicated than this, we recommend you see a lawyer.

Same Sex Relationship

Now legally perceived in Australia, Wills also ensures that your rights and intentions are followed to the letter.

What Next?

Secure the future of your loved ones today and make time to do your Wills from Jackson & Associates Solicitors in Adelaide Hills.

Simple Things to Remember About Advanced Care Directives

When someone suggests that you should have an Advanced Care Directives, a very common response is to avoid that conversation because it can challenge you to think about life – and the end of it.

So let’s see how the Advance Care Directives (“ACD”) works and why it is good for you and your loved ones.

First of all – everyone with no formal ACD, people (for example, doctors and other medical providers) talk to (and may be) the most accessible person who is authorized by law to make that decision.

Governmental laws in medical conditions determine who can provide relevant consent and direction. This law sets the descending order of priority:

  • At the top are a person (or persons) appointed under a formal ACD;
  • At the lower end is a director of nursing in an aged care facility; and
  • In between you have different family members of different levels of ‘kinship’, but who do not have any formal / legal documents to be able to decide on your behalf.

What if I do not have Advanced Care Directives?

Do you want everyone on the list to know what you want? And will they express your wishes in the same way or the way you want?

In other situations (non-medical), such as where you should live, there is no law authorizing anyone to make such a decision. Finally, the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (formerly the Board of Guardianship) will be contacted to appoint a suitable person or persons (who may also be public advocates) to make those decisions.

Advanced Care Directives

Of course, you may have the same, or similar, discussion about your wishes with all family members, but over time people can discuss with you in different ways and tensions can arise between those who desires know who knows best.

The second factor of course is the extent to which you may have provided guidance on many issues. For example, ‘Don’t revive me’ or ‘Pull the plug’ are obvious, but where you can live and what your priorities are for living (as opposed to dying) if your life is affected by dementia for an extended period of time Is period?

What Will Advanced Care Directives Do For Me?

A formal written Advanced Care Directives ensures that everyone has the same guidance and the ACD can specifically appoint a person (or individuals) who are authorized by you (not by government law) who want to know your wishes.

Furthermore, family members are known to come to the same issue with good intentions, but with different perspectives. These are often discovered in the most difficult times.

Consider this example:

If you lose mental capacity, but maintain good physical health, attention needs to be paid to matters such as what you want to do and / or experience and, often most importantly, where you can live and who can take care of you on a day- by day basis.

If your needs were such that nursing care was necessary, then how and where that care is delivered will become important. If, in the Advanced Care Directives, you expressed your desire to enter a nursing home, the family’s thinking that they were out, out of necessity, would ‘evaporate’ into the nursing home. Your statement in ACD will be in essence, a gift to those who make hard choices for your own good and will probably stop the argument on ‘what mum / dad would like or tolerate’.

In short, it will be a comfort for decision-makers to do exactly what you wish, seeing them in writing and knowing that they are the person (or persons) you have specifically appointed. The more thought and written guidance you give in your Advanced Care Directives, the more comfort and confidence you provide; A thoughtful gift for those who can be called upon to make difficult decisions

So, In Summaries

A written formal Advanced Care Directives will give certainty to everyone (that is, it will ensure that everyone you know knows what you want ‘) and you will give specific rights and comfort to those who are appointed as specific decision makers.

Top 6 Powers of Attorney Questions

A Powers Of Attorney is a legal document that gives a trusted person the legal authority to act for you and make legally binding decisions. If you do not have a Powers Of Attorney, you should contact us and get more information.

The 6 Top Questions Below Relate To Powers Of Attorney.

Circumstances When the Powers Of Attorney Is Particularly Useful:

  • To get rid of the day-to-day demands of financial paperwork and record keeping;
  • As a safety net to allow someone to handle their affairs while travelling or in their absence;
  • To avoid burdening family or friends with the responsibility of taking care of their affairs; or
  • If you are unable to manage your prosperity or financial matters.

Does The Attorney Need To Be A Lawyer?

The person appointed does not require legal qualifications – you can appoint anyone, however the decision to be made on the person to be appointed should be carefully thought out as you are giving them considerable power.

An ideal lawyer should:

  • Integrity;
  • Be ready to act in that capacity;
  • There is potential in areas of relevance;
  • Be able to act like a business;
  • Being able to set aside the time required for work;
  • Live in the area in which they work;
  • Confidentiality of the donor (person giving power of attorney) agreed to respect the confidentiality of the cases; and
  • To be fair and there is no known conflict of interest.

Are There Different Types Of Powers Of Attorney?

Yes, there are two types:

A General Power Of Attorney is:

  • Only when you have legal capacity;
  • Useful if you are moving away for an extended period and you do not want the authority to continue should you lose legal capacity; and
  • Usually prepared for a specific purpose with specific or general powers.

And a Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) which:

  • It continues to be legalized even if you lose legal capacity due to disability or illness;
  • May empower its attorney to make financial, property, lifestyle, and health decisions;
  • Can be activated when needed or loss of legal capacity; and
  • Allows your lawyer to start or continue to manage your affairs, even if you have become unable to give valid instructions.
Powers Of Attorney

Is It Better To Have More Than One Lawyer?

We recommend that you have more than one attorney or a substitute attorney if the appointed attorney cannot act or continue to work, as this allows more flexibility.

Some examples to illustrate why this is useful include: siblings who should work together or you are unsure if anyone should act on their own, or if a lawyer dies or if he cannot do the work, then allow him to continue. This also applies when you appoint a spouse and the spouse dies. You can also appoint a lawyer to act “jointly” (this means that they must agree on everything) or “seriously” (this means that one of the appointed persons can decide alone.)

Should I Pay My Attorney?

It is not necessary to give legal effect to the power, and financial power will usually be considered only if the lawyer is a professional.

How Do I Know If The Person Has Enough Mental Capacity To Make A Powers Of Attorney?

There is no simple formula, but in general terms they should be able to:

  • Understanding the major consequences of the decision;
  • Take responsibility for making that choice; and
  • Make choices based on the risks and benefits that are important to them.

If there is any doubt about the capacity, it is best to contact the medical doctor and ask for a written opinion. Remember, different powers require different levels of understanding. If a medical opinion is sought regarding capacity, it is wise to sign the Powers Of Attorney on the same day as you receive the medical report, so it cannot be claimed later that the appointment was invalid.

In our view, many clients do not recognize the potential benefits (and disadvantages) of Powers Of Attorney.

The Powers Of Attorney may be many. In case of an accident, sudden illness, planned or unexpected absence, or when you simply cannot cope, you may need someone to manage your financial affairs. So it does not matter whether you are old or young, whether in business or not, if you travel a lot or not, there are many benefits in being a Powers Of Attorney.

Call us on 08 8278 8566 to learn more about the Powers Of Attorney and their benefits

Introduction to Powers of Attorney in the Different States in Australia

In many cases, a person might not be able to regularly conduct some of their affairs and might need someone else’s aid to do so. In such cases, a person appoints another, formally, to perform some chores on their behalf. This transfer of power for completing the tasks is termed ‘Powers Of Attorney.’ Technically speaking, it is a legal document where one individual (the principal) provides legal authority to another (the agent) to act on their behalf for various affairs, usually by nominating them. This transfer is done to delegate responsibilities and management to someone deemed trustworthy. The name could be confusing, as the agent does not necessarily have to be a lawyer or an attorney to qualify.

The appointed Powers Of Attorney can be placed for multiple roles. In case a principal is outside of Australia, they can efficiently conduct their tasks within the border, using their power of attorney. These affairs might include but are not limited to selling and buying of real estate, voting, operating bank accounts, etc. the Powers Of Attorney of two people can hugely differ from each other. The provisions adhere to the specific needs of the principal. It is the principal that can decide to entrust their nominee with any responsibility of their choosing.

All of this might seem convenient, but it is extremely crucial to consult legal advisors before you put your name on the dotted line. The document is sensitive, critical, and is especially prone to pitfalls. Even though these pitfalls become apparent with experience, they can be easily sidestepped with your solicitor’s help. They can analyze your unique situation, identify traps, and come up with strategies to avoid them.

Powers Of Attorney

What are the Different Types of Powers of Attorney?

In Australia’s case, the powers that you can impart to your nominee can potentially differ quite vastly with the territory or state of your residence. It is advisable to consult with the local Public Trustee for these matters. The Powers Of Attorney are classified into two types:

1. General Power of Attorney

 In a general or ordinary power of attorney, the principal can nominate their agent to take calls on legal or financial matters. It is time-specific. We mean by this that, for instance, the principal is abroad, they can ask their agents to take upon the legal affairs back at home. The general power of attorney forbids the privilege to bring medical, personal, or lifestyle-related decisions on behalf of the principal. What is interesting to note is that in case the principle loses their ability to make decisions (mental incompetence, for instance), the appointment of the agent immediately becomes invalid. Many states prohibit them from taking effect at the start of an event such as incapacitation or disability.

2. Enduring Power Of Attorney

 Intuitively, the enduring power of attorney is the reverse of the general power of attorney. They are employed in situations wherein the principal lacks the mental ability to cater to their personal affairs or cannot provide legal consent due to a specific reason. An agent is then called upon and then authorized with the powers to make critical decisions. The principal has to be capable and sound to fulfil the authority.

How does it Work?

 When you are drawing up your Powers Of Attorney, you must be able to comprehend the consequences and implications of undertaking this decision to ensure the validity of the appointment. Mental and physical health at this time is paramount. People sometimes do this as a preventative measure against tragedies or calamities, and it is a reasonable step in many situations. However, the laws and procedures are complex, and you must seek proper legal guidance before the drafting process and check its validity. The validity is essential for a Powers Of Attorney to take effect successfully.

Powers Of Attorney Essential Documents During The COVID-19

Powers of Attorney
Powers of Attorney

As our society is rapidly moving towards lockdown, COVID-19 presents real challenges for those responsible for the legal and medical care of their loved ones.

During these times of uncertainty, it is important to review the arrangements that you have to make legal and financial decisions.

In this blog, I explain what changes you may need to make to different types of Powers of Attorney to best respond to the challenge of COVID-19.

New Restrictions

As of midnight of 31 March 2020, those over 70 years of age who are required to stay home and isolate themselves, with voluntary separation with underlying medical conditions, are recommended and those returning from overseas travel Will be under compulsory quarantine for 14 days.

Powers of Attorney which is important to make and consider giving them space for financial and medical matters.”

For those required to perform self-segregation, whether due to age or because they are in a high-risk category, it is important to review the suitability of your current Powers of Attorney documents. If you do not already have the powers of attorney, it is important that you now consider having them for your medical and financial matters.

Wills and Powers of Attorney
Wills and Powers of Attorney

Where Power of Attorney documents already exist, such as the Enduring Powers of Attorney that affect your disability, it is time to consider putting in a new arrangement such as an Enduring Power of Attorney with immediate effect, or alternatively May be, the general non-enduring power of attorney is limited to a specific time period.

A general non-enduring Powers of Attorney can be invoked for a limited period without canceling any arrangements and documents already in place.

The General Non-Enduring Powers of Attorney will enable an attorney of a person in self-isolation or forced quarantine to effectively manage their legal and financial matters in this COVID-19 emergency.

Can I Challenge a Wills?

Losing a loved one is a worrying time, and can be made worse if there is a disagreement regarding the Wills left behind by the deceased. When someone drafts a will, there are strict rules that need to be followed and if there is doubt or concern about how it is drafted, it can challenge the validity of the Wills.

Who Can Challenge A Wills?

Generally, anyone who is a beneficiary or is likely to benefit from a Wills is able to counter it. These people include;

  • A blood relative or spouse
  • Someone who was financially dependent on the deceased
  • Someone named in the earlier will
  • The deceased owes someone a debt
  • Someone was promised something in the will by the deceased, but was not included in the will

Also, if you were to inherit from a will, but it was not prepared properly, you may be able to file a professional negligence claim against the person who drafted it.

The rules regarding who has the right to challenge the will are complex, so it makes sense to seek legal advice before making a claim.

Enduring Powers Of Attorney

What Are The Grounds For Challenging A Wills?

There are many reasons why you can challenge Wills. Common grounds for contesting an election would include;

  • Lack Of Testament Capacity – The person who made the testament was not of sound mind at that time.
  • Lack Of Knowledge And Approval – The person Making A Wills was not aware of it and did not knowingly approve the contents of the will before signing it.
  • Undue Influence – At that time the person making the will under the will or under the will was affected.
  • Fraud Or Forgery – A bequest is believed to have been committed by someone other than the deceased or someone has intentionally deceived the will to change the will for their benefit.
  • Correction – Will was non-prepared or had a clerical error that failed to fulfil the deceased’s intentions.
  • Lack of Valid Execution – the Will is invalid because it does not meet one or more of the requirements lay down in the Wills.

How Long Does It Take To Challenge A Will?

Challenging a will can be a long and complicated process, which varies from a few months to a few years, depending on the circumstances. It is a good idea to try to resolve any issue through mediation where possible, which can help save time, reduce costs and avoid going to court.

However, there are time limits when challenging a Wills, which varies depending on the circumstances. For example, there is no time limit when choosing a will based on fraud, but if you are making a claim under the Inheritance Act, there is a time limit of six months from the date the probate is given. Generally, the sooner you can make your claim, the better.

Can a Wills be challenged after probate is granted?

Once probate is granted, it can be a bit more difficult to challenge the will, especially if the assets are being distributed to the beneficiaries. Where possible, your claim requires that any property be deposited prior to the partition.

If you can potentially submit your claim with evidence quickly, you may be able to stop the grant being released. You can prevent probate from being given by filing an alert in your local probate registry for a small fee. It lasts for six months and can be extended if necessary.

This is a complex area of ​​law, so it is necessary to seek legal advice before submitting any claim.

Help challenge a wills

If you need help challenging the Wills, get in touch with Jackson & Associates expert dispute resolution Solicitors in Adelaide Hills. We aim to resolve disputes as quickly and cost-effectively. Call us today on 08 8278 8566

5 Myths about Powers of Attorney

A Powers of Attorney (POA) is a legal document known to someone else as your agent for making financial and business decisions on your behalf. A POA can be useful in case of illness or disability or if you simply are not available to handle certain transactions. Because of the authority the document gives, it is important to know the myths about the powers of attorney so that you understand how they work.

Myth 1: Your Powers Of Attorney Is Effective After You Die

Powers of Attorney is effective only during your life. When you die, it dies with you and cannot be exercised after you pass away. The type of Powers of Attorney you execute determines its effectiveness during your lifetime. The general and durable powers are effective immediately and without limitations, which gives your agent the right to act for you and in the future. A special Powers of Attorney only lists very specific cases that you authorize your agent to handle on your behalf. A springing powers of attorney becomes effective only in the situation you specify, such as your being inconsistent, or for a fixed date range.

Myth 2: Your Powers Of Attorney Authorizes Medical Decisions

A Powers of Attorney is a document authorizing your agent to make only financial and business decisions on your behalf, not a medical decision. Some states have a Medical Powers of Attorney, sometimes called a Healthcare Proxy or Living Will, which authorizes a person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to decide for yourself. You need to execute this separate document if you want to give someone the right to make medical decisions for you.

Powers Of Attorney

Myth 3: Your Powers Of Attorney Can Be Used To Change Your Estate Plan

Although a Powers of Attorney authorizes someone else to make financial and business decisions for you, only you can write a will or make changes to a will. Depending on the Powers of Attorney you hold and the powers it gives to your agent, the agent may have the authority to make changes to the trust you have created, if you will have the authority to make changes to the trust yourself.

Myth 4: A Power of Lawyers Forces You to Give Up Your Freedom

A Powers of Attorney is created for your convenience. It is not a document that forces you to give up any of your freedom. The purpose of the POA is to facilitate matters for you by authorizing your agent to act on your behalf. Remember that even if you have authorized your agent to decide for you, you do not give up the decision making power for you while the Powers of Attorney is in effect. You can revoke the Powers of Attorney at any time by signing a revocation and your agent and anyone who has received a copy of the document.

Myth 5: I Do Not Need the Power to Be Young and Healthy

No matter your age or health, it is a good idea to create a Powers of Attorney so that if something goes unexpected, you have an agent who can manage your cases. If you bump into a car tomorrow, no one can pay your rent or hospital bills or submit a claim form to your insurance company until you authorize them to do so. Huh. Creating a Powers of Attorney now ensures that your agent can act on your behalf should you unexpectedly be unable to manage your own affairs.

The Powers of Attorney is an important document that can provide peace of mind. You can create a POA by working with a lawyer or using an online service provider by yourself or as part of an all-in-one estate plan.

What is a Powers Of Attorney?

Powers Of Attorney- Jackson Associates

A Powers Of Attorney is a legal document in which one person nominates and gives the other the legal authority to act on their behalf. In fact, a Powers Of Attorney allows you to delegate the management of your cases to someone you trust. The nominee is known as an agent – who, regardless of tenure, does not have to be a lawyer (another name for a lawyer) – and the nominee is known as the principal.

Types Of Powers Of Attorney

In Australia, the powers you can delegate to your agent will depend on which state or territory you live in. They may specifically refer to financial powers, or they may include extensive custodial powers. To ensure that you have to check with your local public trustee. However, generally speaking, there are two types of Powers Of Attorney: general and permanent.

General Powers Of Attorney

A general power of attorney is one where you appoint someone to make financial and legal decisions, usually for a specified time period. An example might be that you are abroad and unable to manage your legal affairs at home.

A general Powers Of Attorney does not give an agent the power to make personal, medical, or lifestyle decisions on behalf of the principal. Additionally, if the principal loses his decision-making ability, the appointment of the agent becomes invalid. That is, the powers cease as soon as the principal is considered mentally incompetent.

Powers Of Attorney

If a permanent Powers Of Attorney is signed, agents may be asked to make decisions for the principal in a situation where the agent does not have the mental capacity to participate in his or her own affairs, ie if An agent is legally unable to understand and deliver. Consent for an action or arrangement.

Financial And Legal Rights

The Powers Of Attorney authorizes your agent to make financial and legal decisions for you while you are alive, but only when you are unable to make these decisions. For example, if you become mentally disabled or temporarily unconscious due to a brain injury, accident or illness. In Victoria, the financial power of attorney can make financial and legal decisions on behalf of the appointed agent principal.

Depending on the state / territory of residence, medical rights may or may not be included within the permanent Powers Of Attorney. In states that do not allow medical authority through permanent Powers Of Attorney, a separate document that specifically allows the delegation of medical power.